enhance your life and well-being with the powerfull

Place and Time to
Heal Grow Expand Create Dreams
Greetings! Prepare yourself for a voyage with potential. We support you with Divine Dragon Energy Healing and Divine Dragon Guidance. Together with the Dragons we are here to magical support you at every stage of your journey.

Donny Toebes and Anouchka de Vries

Divine Dragon Energy Healing

A Divine Dragon Energy Healing™ is a sacred space for a nurturing and empowering healing for you and for your dreams.
The high-vibrational energies of the Divine Dragons are here to weave a sacred space of energy for healing and expansion.
The Divine Dragon Energy Healing is very personal and works multidimensional.
The intention of the Healing can be for health, power, insight, vision, awakening, abundance or rest.
You are unique with your own path, your intention will fit!
Just rest and let go. Just rest and receive.
Allow the magic and light to come to you.
Its’ easy to recieve our support.
Our support is 1:1, your session is 100% for you and completly private and safe.
Know that one session is powerfull, please think about the next step.
We recommend a minimum of three (3) sessions, but it’s your path.
More information about the next step is in your first appointment.
Healing is Wholeness
Wholeness is the original and absolute “you”—the “you” that, in any moment, can know itself and feel itself.
The “you” that is health, strong and has ever-evolving pure potential and infinite possibilities.
Invest in yourself 60 minutes only € 195
All sessions are LIVE remote by Whereby or in-person at our Universals Centre.
Whereby’s the easiest way to connect over video – with no app or software download required.

Our service in your language
English German Dutch
Worldwide service
You are ready to expand into this new life!
The Divine Dragon support you in your journey to your oneself. Anouchka and Donny are the portal to the power of the Divine Dragons. The grounded, practical support is the pathway to expansion of your intuition and awareness. We support you living your real heart-centered life based on your soul and lifepath. Working with us gives you strength, health, abundance and clear vision.

What others say…
Passion Personal
Pure Powerfull
Private Professional
When we ask clients why they work with us and the Divine Dragons the answers are positive. We have an unlimited passion to support you. Working with us and the Divine Dragons gives you powerfull support. Our intention to support you is pure and full of integrity. We give our best, that’s also what we expect from you. Your Divine Dragon Energy Healing or Divine Dragon Guidance is very personal and privacy is important, we keep you information private. The digital sessions are end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that nobody else can access the call. Anouchka and Donny are highly certified and have supported more than 1000 clients. It’s great to work with these two professionals.
Contact Us
Start our journey
To schedule an appointment please select your service, Divine Dragon Healer, Time and Date. Do you need more info? Use the “Contact Us” form and we reply as soon as possible.
Click here to schedule

Universals Centre, Magnoliasquare 11, 7121AM, Aalten, Netherlands
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The world’s trusted specialists in Healing, Guiding and Transformation